Sunday, 14 December 2014

Critique of Ruhi Institute “The Covenant Unit 2″ (Ruhi Book 8) – Part Two

In Part One of this Critique of the Pre-publication Edition of the manuscript entitled: The Covenant, Unit 2, The Covenant of Bahá’u’lláh, a document developed by the Heterodox Bahá’í organization known as The Ruhi Institute, it was clearly demonstrated that the authors of that manuscript, The Covenant, Unit 2, throughout that manuscript, deceitfully attempted to obscure the fact that there exist two distinct and separate realms of Divine Guidance in the Bahá’í Faith, first the infallible Divine guidance for interpretation of Bahá’í Holy Writ and Bahá’í Holy Text and for explanation/interpretation of the writings of Guardians of the Bahá’í Faith, which Divine guidance is provided exclusively to living Guardians of the Bahá’í Faith through operation of the “hereditary principle” of the Bahá’íFaith, and second, the infallible Divine guidance for legislation upon matters NOT explicitly mentioned in Bahá’í Holy Writ and Bahá’í Holy Text, which second realm of Divine guidance belongs to a legitimate Universal House of Justice, which legitimate Universal House of Justice is found on Earth at this time only in embryonic form, and is not to be confused with the bogus entity using that name currently located on Mt. Carmel. In this Part 2. of the Critique of The Covenant, Unit 2, we will focus on the manner by which the authors of the Ruhi manuscript in question have shamelessly and deviously permeated their entire document with a tone and disposition which clearly has the purpose of occulting and/or overriding the following true and critical statement which was officially written in his spiritual testament, The Dispensation of Baha’u’llah, by the first of our Bahá’í Guardians, Shoghi Effendi, concerning the “twin” sacred Bahá’í Institutions, the Guardianship and the Universal House of Justice:

“Neither can, nor will ever, infringe upon the sacred and prescribed domain of the other.”

Take careful note of the infallible first Guardian’s expression: “Neither can, nor will ever, infringe…”

For example, after quoting paragraph #36, found in PART TWO of the sacred and immutable Will and Testament of `Abdu’l-Bahá, Who is the Center of the Covenant of Bahá’u’lláh, the authors of the Ruhi manuscript make this insidious comment on page 71 0f their manuscript, in an obvious attempt to nullify/ abrogate the above official statement written by the first Guardian:

“We know of course that the first part of the Will and Testament makes mention of both the Guardian and the Universal House of Justice and clearly envisages their working together. We read, for instance, the passage which indicates that the Guardian of the Cause of God would be the “sacred head” of the Universal House of Justice and its “distinguished member for life”. Yet in passages such as the above, the Universal House of Justice is treated independently of the Guardianship.”

By their word “Yet”, in the above statement, the authors of The Covenant, Unit 2 are nefariously attempting to persuade all Bahá’í believers that paragraph #36 of the Master’s sacred Will and Testament, found in PART TWO of that Holy Document, and also other “passages such as” the Master’s paragraph #36, nullifies or overrides PART ONE of the immutable Will and Testament which PART ONE “clearly envisages” “both the Guardian and the Universal House of Justice…working together.”

The clear evidence that the above statement by the authors of The Covenant, Unit 2, found at the bottom of page 71 of that document is a villainous attempt to utilize the Master’s words in PART TWO of His sacred Will and Testament to deprive PART ONE of His sacred Will and Testament of the legal force and efficacy of PART ONE’S sacred Instructions delineated by Him for the Guardianship and the Universal House of Justice, is found in the next two paragraphs of The Covenant, Unit 2, located on page 72, which two paragraphs continue presenting a Universal House of Justice as an institution which can and will operate alone, “independently”, devoid of any relationship with the Guardianship of the Bahá’í Faith, during the era of the future New World Order of the Bahá’í Faith:

“In the Will and Testament, then, `Abdu’l-Bahá provides means for the Bahá’í community to remain protected by the power of the Covenant and continue to benefit from Divine guidance through the Golden Age of the Faith, irrespective of how circumstances would unfold. The followers of Bahá’u’lláh would never find themselves without an authoritative center to which they could turn. The unity of the Bahá’í community was safeguarded, ensuring that it would fulfill its sacred task to establish a pattern for a future society, the splendors of which we can but dimly imagine.”

By that first paragraph on page 72, obviously written to expand on their concept of an independent, headless Universal House of Justice devoid of association with the Guardianship, alluded to in the last paragraph on page 71, the Ruhi authors paint a picture of the Administration of The Kingdom of God on Earth with a headless Universal House of Justice as the only authoritative center to which the followers of Bahá’u’lláh would be able to turn, and yet those followers would “continue to benefit from Divine guidance through the Golden Age of the Faith”, as if the Divine guidance for infallible interpretation of Bahá’í Holy Writ and Bahá’í Holy Text would not be necessary, and as if PART ONE of the Master’s immutable Will and Testament had become obsolete. If that is not what the authors of The Covenant Unit 2 are saying in that first paragraph on page 72 then exactly what are they saying?

They are certainly painting a picture of a New World Administration devoid of a living Guardian to provide interpretation of Bahá’í Holy Writ and Bahá’í Holy Text, which interpretation is the exclusive jurisdiction of the Bahá’í Guardianship. Those authors are saying that Bahá’ís will “continue to benefit from Divine guidance through the Golden Age of the Faith”, very obviously intending to teach that the “Divine guidance” from a headless Universal House of Justice, all alone, by itself, will be complete and adequate. Are the authors of The Covenant, Unit 2 saying that their headless/illigitimate Universal House of Justice will even breach the boundaries of the specific authority of a legitimate Universal House of Justice, which is restricted to legislation on matters not expressly mentioned in Bahá’í Holy Writ and Bahá’í Holy Text, and, therefore, that their UHJ will be able and be permitted to “infringe upon the sacred and prescribed domain” of the Guardianship as it illicitly interprets Bahá’í Holy Writ and Bahá’í Holy Text, the interpretation of which belongs exclusively to the living Guardians of the Faith?

Exactly what are the authors of The Covenant, Unit 2 saying/teaching in their nefarious document?

The second paragraph on page 72 betrays their evil designs:

“You know, of course, what came to pass historically. The Bahá’í world had the bounty of being guided by Shoghi Effendi-that wondrous, unique and priceless pearl-as the guardian of the Cause from 1921 to 1957, during which time the Universal House of Justice did not exist. [A patently untrue statement, for it did exist, from the moment Shoghi Effendi established that sacred Institution in its embryonic form as the “International Bahá’í Council,” in his only Proclamation, issued in his cablegram, of January 9th, 1951 and in which he significantly referred to it as “this first embryonic International Institution.”] Five and a half years after his passing, on 21 April 1963, that promised institution came into being. Shoghi Effendi had been unable to name a successor who would fulfill the conditions set so explicitly by `Abdu’l-Bahá in the Will and Testament. Whether or not there were means to appoint another Guardian, and how the Universal House of Justice would organize its work in the absence of a living Guardian, were questions that could only be addressed by the House of Justice itself, since all obscure matters, not explicit in the sacred Text were left for it to decide. And, indeed, soon after its election, the House of Justice advised the Bahá’í world that it found no way “to appoint or to legislate to make it possible to appoint a second Guardian to succeed Shoghi Effendi.”

Thus it is clear that the authors of The Covenant, Unit 2 are, in effect, saying that PART ONE of the Master’s sacred and immutable Will and Testament, “The Child of the Covenant”, “The Charter of the New world Order” is obsolete/invalid. Yes, they are teaching that their headless UHJ will function alone in the New World, devoid of the sacred Institutions of the Bahá’í Faith delineated by `Abdu’l-Bahá in His Will, namely the Guardianship and the Hands of the Cause of God.

They have further ignored the following facts:

Interpretation of Bahá’í Holy Writ and Bahá’í Holy Text is a “sacred and prescribed domain” of the Guardianship of the Bahá’í Faith.
Appointing and directing the Hands of the Cause of God is a “sacred and prescribed domain” of the Guardianship of the Bahá’í Faith: Abdu’l-Baha stated: “O friends! The Hands of the Cause of God must be nominated and appointed by the guardian of the Cause of God.” (Paragraph 20, Will and Testament)

And He also stated: “This body of the Hands of the Cause of God is under the direction of the guardian of the Cause of God. He must continually urge them…” (Paragraph 22, Will and Testament) That Shoghi Effendi had stated with reference to the Guardianship and the Universal House of Justice: “Neither can, nor will ever, infringe upon the sacred and prescribed domain of the other.”, is a statement that informs all faithful Bahá’ís that there WILL NOT EXIST in the New World Order a headless UHJ pretending to provide full and adequate “Divine guidance” for all Bahá’ís which would be infringing on the right of interpretation that belongs exclusively to the Guardianship of the Bahá’í Faith, and there WILL NOT EXIST, a substitute institution appointed and directed by a headless UHJ in place of the sacred Institute of The Hands of the Cause of God, infringing thereby on “prescribed domain” of the Guardianship.

Thus the shameless and nefarious teaching of the Ruhi institute manuscript entitled: The Covenant, Unit 2, The Covenant of Bahá’u’lláh, will rightly be relegated to a certain ignominious destiny, and ultimately become nothing more than an historical footnote pertaining to a rogue institution of the Heterodox Bahá’í Faith that existed during the infamous period of the heterodox Bahá’í administration.

Read: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

By Former Hand of the Cause Ross Campbell


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